This post was most recently updated on August 22nd, 2018.
Who Am I?

I am a recovering workaholic. While that might sound like a cute opening statement for a travel blog, it is absolutely the truth.
It started out simple. I had children very young, and dropped out of high-school. We were extremely poor, and I wanted to provide sufficiently for my children. So I took classes, waited tables, served on the PTA and cooked dinner every night, sleeping very little.
Eventually, all of that paid off, and I got a better job, making more money. We were comfortable enough. But, I still wanted to provide my children with things and opportunities that I had not had. So I continued to work hard, and tried to make myself stand out. Soon I got a promotion, and things were pretty good. We bought a house, and had two used cars.
Then the divorce came. Things were bad. I pretty much hit the bottom. I felt like I had lost everything that my life was about. I went through a long year of depression, working and sleeping in a haze. As that cloud started to lift, I poured myself into my work.
I believed that my efforts were changing the workplace environment. I wanted to know more and do more than anyone. I was working 12 or 13 hours a day, 6 days a weeek. I carried a blackberry 24 hours a day, answering emails at all hours, and responding to any emergency. My titles grew increasingly significant. I felt like my employees needed me, my company needed me, that my parents and children were proud of me for how hard I worked and how “much I had accomplished”.
It would take 12 years and another almost rock bottom situation before I would realize the truth. I would lose my parents, and I would lose some friends. I had lost who I was. I had come to identify myself almost exclusively with my work and reputation, and sacrificed a lot of real living. Before bed that night, I browsed pictures in a travel blog. I finally dozed off with one last thought: “Someday I am going to see Ireland…”
When I woke the next morning, a heavy realization paramount in my mind. For forty years, I had been telling myself that someday I was going to see Ireland! I didn’t have another forty years to think about all the places I was going to see someday.. Heck, there may not even be another twenty years . I also realized that I was in the process of doing exactly what I had promised our friend Sue that I would not do, on her death bed.
That day, I picked a date and a destination, and started planning. I have since taken both big trips and small trips. I have not quit my job, or left my home, but I have found a way to travel and experience the world between the cracks. I have seen some amazing places, and met some wonderful people.
Welcome to Gypsy With a Day Job
Who am I? I am Roxanna, or FoxyRoxyK to my friends. The truth is, I am just an ordinary person, pretty much like most everyone else. I am a mom who has been blessed with four fantastic sons, who have all grown into men that I am proud of and call friends. Yeah, that is a pretty grainy picture of us, but we don’t have so many opportunities to get a picture of all of us together these days.
I am also Grandma Roxy to three blossoming young ladies, and five growing young men. There may be more to come in the future, but only time will tell. I don’t get nearly enough time with any of them, but when it comes down to it, they are my main reason for being. If you visit for future trips, you will get to know them all, because they are some pretty awesome travel companions.
Why Am I Here?
As the title says, I keep a day job, or more often, a night job. I am a Senior Distribution Manager for the largest shipping and delivery company in the world, and I work far too many hours. Believe me, those hours are not to suck in overtime pay, because I am salaried. My position is hugely demanding, and it can be quite stressful. But, I have some 250 people depending on me, just like I am depending on each of them. It is more than any one person can manage or handle, but I do what I can to make the work environment a little more pleasant, and to ensure everyone can get some time off to do what is important in their lives. With 21 years in, I am finally in the countdown phase now, I still have several more years to work before I can retire.
I try to fulfill civic duties by playing a small role in a couple community services, being a participating member in one, and a board of directors member in another. I have a house to keep up and a vehicle to maintain, errands to run and bills to pay. Phew… That’s why I chose this picture. Most of the time I feel like walking in my shoes isn’t quite enough, and that I need to keep my super hero boots on!.
So, with all of that, why am I here?
But, I am making time to do things I love, and making time to see the world. I will probably always be a Workaholic in recovery, but the calling of my dreams has a strong pull.
I don’t want you, or anyone else, to wait forty years to see the world! I know you work hard, and I know what that is like. I know sometimes what you want to do gets passed over for what you must do, and what that feels like too. But, you cannot allow work to be the controlling force of your life!
That is why I started Gypsy With a Day Job. Our whole team, and all of our authors walk in those shoes. Each of us has found our own way to achieve some balance, and to pursue a little piece of our dream to experience a portion what the world has to offer. We want to share lessons, experience, our hows and whys, and to provide you with some inspiration. We hope that in some way we can help you, and others, find your own way to do what is necessary, but also what is desired.
Where Else Can You Find Me?
My little joke with my grandsons is that I am all over the web. Although that isn’t true yet, can you believe that my work has been on over 75 different websites so far?? Crazy isn’t it! Some of them I am most proud of so far? Well, Be My Travel Muse was one of the sites that has been my inspiration. It was exciting to be published on those pages. And, being on Atlas Obscura is pretty cool too!
Now as far as travels go, you might find me anywhere in the world. I write from experience, so the information I share is first hand. So far it in’t a huge list, but I have visited 30 states in the US, and 10 different countries. About to add another country soon…