This post was most recently updated on June 9th, 2019.
Oceania Destinations

The term Oceania was not really part of our vocabulary, until we started travel writing. We always thought of it as Australia and New Zealand, and that’s kinda all there was. The truth is there are lots of islands and nations in the region that we had barely heard of. Fortunately, travel writers hae visited them all, giving the rest of us a chance to see their beauty and learn about their cultures. When we say Oceania Destinations, like other travel writers, we mean the host of nations in the southwest Pacific.
We have always been familiar with Australia, as we seen them as a country with a history somewhat similar to our own, and this creates a sort of emotional bond and fondness. We learned about Australia in school, and fell in love with the handful of Australian movie stars and musicians. The rest of the region seemed relatively foreign, exotic, perhaps a bit scary.
When the Lord of the Rings movies began New Zealand then popped onto our radar. The filming highlighted some of the most stunning scenery in the world. We started to learn more about this gorgeous country, and for many of us, it became a dream destination, a bucket list location.
Unfortunately, we live in a grossly media obsessed society. Many of these other fascinating countries in the region would never even be known to many of us, unless someone famous visited! In fact it would not be until the internet and social media really took off, that we would begin to learn more about Fiji and Guam, of Samoa and Tonga, and other such islands.
Although there are many downfalls to social media, one of its many great aspects are that those among us who had previously been sheltered, are finally exposed to new information. A part of that new information would be images and stories about incredible Oceania Destinations, including the tiny island nations.
We have not been to any destinations in this part of the world yet. But we will get there! But a great part of having a website is forming relationships with other writers, who can share their experiences with us, and our readers!
We also highly recommend these posts about New Zealand by fellow travel writers!
Sa, at George’s Globe, travels the world with her family, and has spent the better part of two years exploring New Zealand.
If you are looking for a location other than Oceania, start on the Our Destinations page.