Contact Gypsy With a Day Job

This post was most recently updated on July 20th, 2020.


It’s not everyday that folks want to talk to us..

And we love hearing from you! We want this site to be as useful as possible for you!

If you found one of our articles really helpful on your adventure, let us know in the comments. That way everyone else knows that it really is good info. If it wasn’t exactly what you were looking for, let us know, and we might know where to find it.

On the other hand, if you found an error, or learned that something was outdated on your trip, we need to know that too. Once again, the best place to let us know that is in the comments section of the article. I do my best to keep everything current, but we have a lot of articles, and I only have so much time. If you let us know, I will make the correction.

Subscribe, to keep up with the everything that’s going on.

Our subscribers get our newest articles, hot off the press. And, we occasionally send out a newsletter with deals we have found, and other travel tidbits not on the website.

Subscribe here: SIGN UP FORM

Wanna really be social? Follow us on social media.

Yep, we are on social media. In fact, they are our favorite way to socialize with you! There are a whole lot of platforms to manage, and the real truth is we don’t keep up with all of them, but we are there.

We are on Pinterest almost every day..

We are on Facebook often too.

You can find us on Twitter.

You can find us on Instagram.

You can find us on Flipboard.

You can find us on Tumbler.

We are even on Flicker now and then.

If you want to work with us…

If you have a story that may be right for Gypsy With a Day Job, email us. We are always looking for new weekend getaways in the US. We would also love to expand our content on a few places around he world, where we haven’t been ourselves. Bear in mind, we only accept stories from writers who have spent time in a destination, and we do have some guidelines that we require. But, we are always open to publishing new writers.

My email:

I have to be upfront and let you know it takes some time for me to respond. If you don’t already know from other places onsite, my day job is in corporate management, and has recently become identified as essential. In other words, I work a lot of hours. Between keeping the website clean, publishing new content, and interacting on social media, there isn’t much time left. But ultimately, I will answer!

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