Document Your Adventure


Here at Gypsy With a Day Job, it is pertinent for us to document our adventures, but we also think that documenting your trips help you relive your experiences and hang on to your memories better.

There are a lot of useful tools for documentation. Whether you prefer to write things out long hand or by taking photos or videos we have many great options. Didn’t find what you had in mind? Be sure to check out our Travel Goods Store.



With many different options of cameras making a choice of what’s right for you and your adventures can be a bit much. Here we have laid out a few different options, some are more on the professional end while others are a wonderful quality made for the average Joe. All of which would be a wonderful choice to help document your travels. Want more options? Click HERE 


Digital Cameras


Whether your surfing, skydiving, or simply taking a hike. Action cameras are great for those adventures that are a little more intense. These cameras are built to stand up to the elements, at times taking quite the beating. Most of them are waterproof, and some have quite the depth capacity. Truly, they are made to document the thrills. For more of a variety check out action cameras

Action Cameras

With all these electronics you need somewhere to store all your glorious photo, video, or even journal entries! With the right computer you can not only store, but edit and organize all your document footage. Having a computer on a long distance trip is also a great way to keep up with your loved ones. While abroad your phone service is not always the best. With a computer and a wifi connection you can connect with anyone abroad with the use of many different webcam communications tools such as face time, whatsapp, etc. For more computer option or even for a tablet that may better suit your needs check out our Travel Goods Store




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