Most of us have sat in front of the TV or at the movie theater watching a great adventure, when the lead actors run off into the woods on a wild chase that ends up being several days of hiking around.  Miraculously, they are in the right clothes, and the right shoes.  They apparently never need to eat, or go the bathroom.  Oh and when they shoot the enemy, they never miss, but the bad guys chasing them never seem to hit anything, except the tree behind the good guys! Apparently they were all trained in expert hiking as part of their upbringing, and don’t need any hiking tips! But that is typically not true for the rest of us.
Hiking is a great experience, but it is never like it is in the movies, or on television. The rest of us were not trained for expert hiking in our upbringing. We often make silly mistakes, especially when we are starting out, that may turn us away from hiking. I think everyone should hike, if they can, commune with nature and experience our natural wonders. It is good for the heart, the body, and especially the soul.  But, we need to be prepared for the REAL experience of hiking.
So, check out our 10 hiking tips, and sort of a reality check about what hiking is really like. Along the way we will also share some of our favorite places to hike. Soon you will be hiking like a pro!
10 Hiking Tips for Expert Hiking
– NOT seen in movies, and NOT “As Seen on T.V.”
 1. Forget “looking good”
Sure, you may start out looking showered and fresh-faced, but a few hours in the hot sun, trudging through mud, and you’ll be looking like one of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan.
Ladies, wear longer shorts. Your cute short shorts are not for hiking.
Cute shoes? Â Forget it. Â Hiking requires practical shoes. Â DO NOT WEAR FLIP FLOPS. Â You need good, sturdy, hiking shoes.
Many hikes through your neighborly state parks require hiking/water shoes- not plain water shoes, but the hiking/water type.
These shoes will give your feet protection against sharp rocks and have slip resistant soles. Â They will also dry quickly when you inevitably walk through muddy puddles or streams.
My preferred shoes cost around $60.00, and are worth every penny!
2. A backpack is also an absolute must.
I prefer the slimmer style, that can carry all the basic supplies without being bulky. The last thing you need when trying to climb up ladders, steps, rocks or muddy inclines, is bulky weight on your back slowing you down, or throwing you off-balance. However, this is my personal preference and might not be yours. Â You need a pack that distributes the load evenly, and does not throw your center of gravity off.
When shopping in person for a backpack, wear it around the store to see how it fits and feels. Â If you order one online, try it out before you are out on the trail.
3. Â Bring Snacks.
Time to think about what you need to pack. Â Snacks will provide, and help sustain, your energy, and sometimes they just make you feel better. Â Small bags of nuts, pretzels, or Powerbars, and some type of fruit, are good basics. Â Do not bring soft fruit:Â apples and oranges are great. Â Bananas will become a mushy mess.
Our favorite places to hike: If you want some of the most beautiful scenery in the US, especially if you hike as a family, you will love Hiking the Great Smoky Mountains with kids!
4. Water, water, water.
Did I mention you need water? When I’m going on a shorter day hike, meaning around 4 hours, I bring 4 bottles of water. I freeze two of the bottles the night before. I throw a third in the freezer the morning before the hike, so it starts to freeze before I leave.  The last,  I take directly from the refrigerator when I leave. Â
On very hot days, the unfrozen water will go pretty quickly. Â The barely frozen one will still be cold when you get to it. Â By the time you finish that second bottle of water, the other 2 will be about thawed.
I cannot stress this next part enough: DO NOT GULP YOUR WATER!!!!  Yes, you will probably end up waiting until you are dying of thirst to get into your water, but drinking water too fast in this situation can mess with your stomach.  You won’t get far with stomach cramps!
5. Â Ladies Only
Remember when I said you can forget about looking good? Â Well, you need to embrace going potty in the great outdoors too. Â Bring along a package of those sanitary wipes, learn to laugh, and not pee on your shoes!!
Grab a few Ziploc bags while you’re at it, because like any nature lover, you know that you take out everything you bring in.  Put your wipey things in the baggy, along with your orange peels.  Do not leave garbage behind. Not ever.
The first time you see a dirty diaper on the ground, it is shocking, and disheartening.  Just don’t leave any kind of trash behind.
Our favorite places to hike: If you want both above the ground and below the ground scenery, you may love Mammoth Cave National Park.
 6.  Take Breaks
After you don’t gulp your water, and you don’t pee on your shoes, it would probably be a good time to take a break.  Breaks are very important, especially if you are on a longer hike.  Take a break, and catch your breath.  If you are wearing boots, take them off for a couple minutes, and stretch your feet out.
Look around for a bit and really enjoy the surrounding scenery. Â One of the things I caught myself doing, was watching my footing so much, that I missed a lot of beautiful things around me.
Once I learned to slow it down, and take much need rest breaks. Â It really opened my eyes to all nature has to offer us: the amazing rock formations, the way the sun looks coming through the trees, the sounds of animals around you, the way water transforms the stone it flows over, and the feeling of the light breeze over your skin. Â
Stop and take it all in. It may not always be there, and you may not always be able to get there in the future.
7. Â Bring a Camera.
You can bring your phone and use it as a camera. Â You can bring a disposable camera, but take pictures. Â If you are planning on getting wet, make sure you have a waterproof container, and keep your camera inside when not in use.
Some of the things you will see on your hikes will be amazing. Â Some of the things you will do on your hikes will be semi-dangerous, and exhilarating. Â You will want to look back on those memories and relive them. Â Nature changes continuously. Â So do we.
I keep many pictures of my hiking trips around my house.  They remind me of what it is like to be free; to live; to do things I would never let my kids do. (I’ll address all those in a later article.)  Don’t let yourself forget what you have accomplished!
Our favorite places to hike: If you want rugged southwestern scenery, and a challenging hike, at one of the US most iconic sites, you will love the Grand Canyon.

8. Pack the Practical Things
Always carry a flashlight and an extra set of batteries. Â A compass is a good idea too. Â Sure, you may look at your watch and think, this trail says it usually takes 3 hours, and it is only 9 a.m. Trust me when I say: NOT ALL STATE PARKS PROVIDE GOOD MAPS, AND NOT ALL TRAILS ARE WELL MARKED!
I have had experience wandering around at dusk, trying to remember where in the world things went wrong. Â It went like this…
“The path said 2, and I’m on 2, but 2 never seems to end. Thank goodness I have the flashlight, because I swear I just went around that curvy thingy on the map that says I should be approaching path #5, but I’ve been walking for an hour, and the path still says 2!!!
But wait, the map says 2 is in 3 different directions. OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, I better start tearing my clothes, and tying strips around the trees, because I think we are walking in circles!”
The phone is only going to be good for pictures, because it is a rarity you will find a signal, wandering around a forest in the middle of nowhere. Â But hey, this is when the real adventure begins. Keep calm and enjoy. Â You WILL laugh about it later.
9. Â Pack Just in Case Things
Whoops, you fell in the water, cut your arm and daylight is fading fast, but it’s okay.  You pack a first aid kit.
Your first aid kit should contain band aids, ace bandages, and pain relievers like ibuprofen or aspirin, just in case.
Of course your anxiety might kick in if this happens, so you bring your prescription medications, just in case. Â Pack your first aid kit in your waterproof container.
After you bandage yourself up you might as well reapply the bug spray. If dusk arrives, the mosquitoes come out hungry.
Wait that might not be a mosquito, it might be a bee, and you are allergic. Bring your epi pen too, just in case.
Hiking is a great adventure, but sometimes WE get too adventuresome. Â
Be prepared for minor accidents, just in case, because there is no 911, and the hospital is still a good hike, followed by a god drive, away.
To make sure you don’t forget anything you need to pack for your hiking trip, be sure to check out The Ultimate Day Hiking Packing List.  Â
10. Â Stay on the Trails!
I cannot repeat enough how important it is to stay on the trails. Â My phone has only had signal in one of the many places I have been hiking. Â Your phone GPS will be of no help.
Again, a lot of state maps leave much to be desired. Â Sometimes your trails are vaguely marked, and dark comes before you know it. Â Even if someone notices your car has been in the parking lot for 3 days, they will have a very hard time finding you, if you get lost. Â It will be next to impossible if you were not even on a marked path.
Our favorite places to hike: If you want stunning scenery and the sound of rushing water as a backdrop, at another iconic location, you will love hiking the Niagara Gorge at Niagara Falls State Park.
Revel in your accomplishments, and look back with pride!
When you are showing off your amazing pictures to your family and friends, you won’t remember the Ziploc baggies, or the weight of your frozen water, or the first aid kit you may never have to use.
What you will remember is sitting on the fallen log eating your trail mix, and drinking your water, listening to the sound of the water gurgling nearby.
What you will remember is how difficult it was to walk on jagged slippery rocks, for almost an hour, to make it to the waterfall not everyone can make it to.
What you will remember is reaching out your hand to let a fellow hiker help you climb up the final few feet, so you can sit behind the waterfall.
What you will remember is how it felt to feel the weight of that water hitting you, and the way it made you laugh like you were a little kid again.
What you will remember is the camaraderie with fellow hikers, sharing a smile, or that slight head nod, that shows you are among true travelers and true adventurers.
What you will remember is that you made it!
So there you have them, our 10 Hiking Tips for Expert Hiking
Some of our other favorite places to hike near home include:
Turkey Run State Park
Adventure at Matthiessen State Park
Giant City State Park
Elephant Rock State Park
For a BIGGER adventure, you might want to try hiking in
Rocky Mountain National Park
This article was contributed by Christine Gillmore. If you would like to know more about Christine, see her bio on our Editors, authors and guest travelers page, here:  Editors, Authors and Guest Travelers
If your are looking for hiking/water shoes, other hiking supplies, see some suggestions from Amazon below. Â The last link will take you to the general search for hiking supplies.
Gypsy With a Day Job is an Amazon Affiliate, meaning that we get a small commission for any purchases made from links on our page. Â This helps us with the purchase of software and other applications that are necessary for Gypsy With a Day Job to continue operating and sharing information with you, as fast as we can put it together. Â
Awesome tips and great article. Keep posting.
Amazing tips. I am glad that I stumbled upon your site as me and my friends have planned a hiking trip and so this post is very useful to us so that we don’t make any silly mistakes and enjoy our trip. Keep sharing such advice with the readers.
This is our 4th trip to Rocky Mountain National Park driving the scenic trail ridge road and along many of the turn offs. On this trip, we spotted an eagle, 5 female moose, a beaver and several big horn sheep. Each visit can be a hit or a miss depending on the time of year and the weather. Regardless, this is a beautiful national park worth visiting as often as possible.
A lot of tips in one article. I have read your article very attentively this is a very informative article.
Experience is the best teacher, although not always the safest way to learn! At least Christine can laugh about those experiences now, but she is definitely a 100% by the book hiker now.