If you are looking for a place to get away, Hannibal, Missouri may not be one of those places that immediately come to mind. Perhaps you have never heard of Hannibal, or if you have, you have, you may wonder, what could this small own in Missouri possible have to offer. But after visiting, I strongly encourage you consider this small town for a short getaway. There are tons of things to do in Hannibal, Missouri- Mark Twain sites, natural wonders, outdoor adventure, historic sites, Americana, a theme park and even a winery. There is something for everyone to enjoy during a weekend in Hannibal, Missouri, and our 3 day Hannibal, Missouri itinerary will show you how to enjoy all of the Hannibal, MO attractions.
When I was in high school, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was required reading. In its time, and still in my time, it was a powerful coming of age novel, one that could change readers. After reading it, I investigated the author, the remarkable Mark Twain. It was then that I first thought then that I would someday visit his hometown Hannibal, Missouri where his most famous books take place. It took a long time, but I finally spent 3 days in Hannibal, Missouri, with my son Travis. We had a fantastic time, and learned a lot. We think you might enjoy a weekend in Hannibal as much as we did, so we put all the information together so you can make it happen.
This Weekend in Hannibal Missouri Guide Includes:
- A Bit of Mark Twain and Hannibal History
- Getting to Hannibal
- Things to do in Hannibal, MO
- Where to stay in Hannibal, MO
- How to Spend 3 days in Hannibal, MO
If you have never considered visiting Hannibal, Missouri, we hope to convince you, and have you planning your weekend in Hannibal, MO soon. We plan to return, and take the grandchildren, as the town is a fun place for young and old alike!
A Bit of Mark Twain and Hannibal History
Mark Twain, or Samuel Clemens as he was born, was an intriguing figure, ahead of his time. He has become one of the US most celebrated authors, who often tied a very powerful message into a story of humor and satire. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn spoke out against racism and slavery in the guise of a children’s book.
He also traveled the world, and spoke boldly about his observations on the times and society. He was one of those rare writers who became equally as well known for his opinions as he was for his novels. His quotes are among some of the most well known sayings in the English language, and are on point and in touch nearly a century later. I have sprinkled some favorites throughout the text of this article, but those of us who love travel are probably all familiar with this quote:
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
His most famous novels, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and of course, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which take place in Hannibal, were widely popular in the 20th century. The city was a thriving hub during the days of river transport, but as traffic on the river died, so did the city. However, it has since built itself as a tourist town upon the popularity of Twain and his novels, with a number of attractions associated with the books. As with all American tourist cities, there is a degree of kitsch, but unlike many others, it does not overtake the charm of the city itself.

There are other cool things to do in Hannibal, MO that are not related to Tom, Huck or Mark, and some that are only marginally related. For several years the city slogan was America’s Hometown. With its old-fashioned downtown just off the banks of the Mississippi, it does have quite a hometown feeling, especially for someone like me who grew up in a river city. There is more than enough to fill your weekend in Hannibal.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Getting to Hannibal, Missouri
Hannibal is located along the Missouri side of the Mississippi River, about 100 miles north of St. Louis. The nearest commercial airport is located in St. Louis. There is no current train service to Hannibal, but Greyhound Buses do stop in the city.
The easiest way to get to Hannibal is to drive. If you are coming from anywhere on our map, you can get there in less than 4 hours, and have plenty of time to enjoy 3 days in Hannibal. US Route 61 runs north to south, passing through the city, and it is the easiest way to get to Hannibal from St. Louis. If you come from the east, pick up Interstate 72 in Illinois, which leads into town, and US Route 36 also runs through Hannibal, coming from the west.
Things to Do in Hannibal, Missouri
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home
The natural best place to start your weekend in Hannibal, MO is the Mark Twain sites, and his Boyhood Home as it is the quintessential of things to do in Hannibal. This little neighborhood is known to be the inspiration behind his work. Almost an entire block is now a registered National Historic Landmark.

The house Twain grew up in is represented in his books as the home of Tom Sawyer. You can imagine the events of the novel taking place as you walk through. There are statues of Twain as an adult, sort of in action, as well as informational panels, some that give some of his most profound, or humorous quotes. He was known for both, and I enjoyed becoming more familiar with some of them.
Other buildings include houses of the children who inspired other characters, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher, a drug store, and a Justice of the Peace Office. All of the homes and building are furnished with period decor, giving a glimpse of life at what was the edge of the frontier in the mid-1800s. There are numerous informational panels providing insight into the residents and their lives.
The building that houses the interpretive center, immediately next to the Twain home was a Work Projects Administration construction, built during the depression. It provided work for the builders and business to nearby quarries. Geology lovers will be fascinated by the clearly visible crinoid fossils throughout the walls! It also includes a gift shop with a wide variety of items. Although I often pass these by, I HAD to get my girlfriends and I tee-shirts for the “Bad Boys and Girls Club” which features another Twain quote that some say rather suits us..
Be good and you will be lonesome.
The Mark Twain Boyhood Home Historic Site is open all year round, but closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day. For more information check out their website, at Mark Twain Home and Museum.
Tom and Huck Statue
From the bottom of the block turn left for a selfie with the statues of Tom and Huck! The statue was created by sculpture Frederick Hibbard in 1926 to honor two of Hannibal’s most famous residents, whether they were fictional or not. I always imagined Huck a bit taller, but the details of the statue are intricate. Many people have speculated the philosophical message the sculpture was meant to convey, but I think it is just a fun piece of art.

The Mark Twain Lighthouse
After getting your picture with Tom and Huck, check out the stairway behind the statues and their flowery oasis. This 244 steps lead to the Mark Twain Lighthouse, which may be the most unusual of the Hannibal attractions. The original was built in 1934, for what would have been Twain’s 100th birthday. The depression was in full force, and government funding helped pay for the structure, which was purely for decorative purposes. Special lines were installed, connecting the beacon to the White House, where President Franklin Roosevelt delivered a speech in honor of Twain, and turned the key ignite the lighthouse.
In 1960, a huge windstorm destroyed the original structure. Local residents rallied with fundraisers, wanting to maintain what had become a part of their landscape, and a reminder of their history. The lighthouse was rebuilt, and in 1963 this new version was ceremoniously lit by President John Kennedy, again, from the White House. Thirty years later, the lighthouse was refurbished. It was lit for the third and last time by President Bill Clinton from Camp David.

It is possible to get to the lighthouse parking area by car on Rock Street, but some stairs must still be climbed. To access it without steps, take Cardiff Drive with precaution. It is a winding hill road through residential areas.

From this vantage ground the extensive view up and down the river, and wide over the wooded expanses of Illinois. It is one of the most beautiful views over the Mississippi River along its 2,300 miles.
The Mark Twain Museum
The Mark Twain Museum is located a couple blocks away from the Boyhood Home area, but it is an easy walk through the downtown area. The museum has two floors which are quite different from each other. Entrance is included with the ticket for the Mark Twain Home.

The first floor is dedicated to Twain novels and their influences on culture at the time. They include several beyond the Tom and Huck books, such as another I really enjoyed, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. The presentation is done extremely well, with a multimedia and sensory approach. Clips from movies based on the novels are played, and there is even a wobbling raft to climb on and experience the sensation of moving down the Mississippi with Huck and Jim.
On the second floor there is a collection of original Norman Rockwell works. This actually the second largest collection of his works in existence! I never expected to find this among the things to do in Hannibal, MO. Rockwell painted a number of illustrations for Twain’s books that were widely popular. He later donated the original works to the Twain collections.
There is also a section of personal artifacts from Twain’s life. Some of them are very cool, and some might be considered peculiar. Both his Oxford Gown and the only known remaining white suit jacket can be seen.
The Hannibal Downtown Area
The city has put a lot of effort into refurbishing the downtown area. It is quite a charming example of historic America, with many original buildings and storefronts. There are antique shops and cafes, galleries, and a quaint garden area to sit and relax. My mom loved the Native American Trading Company. You can try fresh ice cream and homemade candies, as well as some cave aged cheese here and a craft beer. You can also explore one of Better Homes and Gardens’ top 10 quilt shops, Hickory Stick Quilt Shop.
Hannibal Murals
Over the last few years, Hannibal has become known as a mural town. There are over 20 different murals lining the sides of local business. While most are focused in the historic area, they can be found in several other locations. Several go along with the Twain theme, but others focus on different historical aspects, and some depict something special about their own business. Stop by the visitors center near the I72 ramps to get a complete list of all murals and their locations. Taking a Hannibal Mural Tour is one of the newest things to do in Hannibal.
Hannibal History Museum
Among the shops is another museum featuring the city history. Hannibal has had several other famous residents over the decades, including musicians and professional athletes, as well as political figures and businessmen. The Hannibal History Museum gives an opportunity to learn about some of these other well but lesser known people who have made their mark on history. We were quite surprised to learn that so many people who had made a mark on the US had come from the small town.
It isn’t the sum you get, it’s how much you can buy with it, that’s the important thing; and it’s that tells whether your wages are high in fact or only high in name.
Trolley Rides
Next to the small garden on the corner of main street you can find the trolley service. The trolley offers a guided tour through several of the city sites, running from the downtown area and out to the Mark Twain Cave Complex, making other stops at Sawyerville, the Rockcliffe Mansion, and Riverside Park. It also acts as a hop on hop off service, so visitors can get out and see the sites at each of the stops. Riding the trolley is so into the feeling of the city that I think it is one of the necessary things to do in Hannibal!
The Mark Twain Riverboat Cruise
Not only do steamboats play a role in many of the Twain novels, one of his first jobs was piloting a riverboat. In fact, the pen name Mark Twain came directly from steamboat lingo! Along the riverfront there is a statue depicting Twain in his younger years, as a captain. I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but whenever there is a boating option at any travel destination, I am all for it. Not sure why, I just love boat trips of any kind, so for me this was on of the absolute must do activities for our 3 days in Hannibal, MO.

The Mark Twain Riverboat offers a one hour afternoon sightseeing cruise, 2 hour dinner cruise, and a Sunday Captains Lunch. We opted for the dinner cruise on a Friday evening. A buffet style dinner of fried chicken and various sides was served, and there was a cash bar with souvenir glasses available.

The cruise goes both ways up a down the river, with information about the ice factories and other river dependent businesses, as well as historical information, is given. The riverside scenery is lush and green during warm seasons, and a blaze of color in autumn. The river is lined with overlooking bluffs, and you can glimpse some very expensive isolated bluff top homes. We had a very entertaining pianist who played old standards along the ride, and we were free to walk around on the boat on the main and upper levels. Watching the paddles turn can be mesmerizing.
Haunted Hannibal Tours
It is claimed that Hannibal is one of the most haunted towns in America. Whether or not this is true will never be known, but you can hear the tales on the Haunted Hannibal Tour. This is one of THE things to do in Hannibal, MO for those who love creepy things. Tours depart from downtown at `7:00, depending on the season, and visit a number of haunted locations, including the mansions of Millionaires Row and the historic prison. All along the route the narrator shares the stories of historic tragedies that have taken place, and tales of ghostly sightings. The tour ends among the 150 year old graves of the Old Baptist Cemetery where guests can use dowsing rods to follow the spiritual vibrations. It’s a spooky fun activity for your weekend in Hannibal.
Mark Twain Cave Complex
As a cave lover, the Mark Twain Caves were one of my favorite things to do in Hannibal. Located in a park-like setting, you can tour the cave that inspired the scenes from Tom Sawyer. Known for being the original American show cave, visitors have been touring here for almost 150 years, and many have left their mark. Part of the fascination of the cave tour is seeing the signatures and quotes left by visitors a hundred years before, and in fact we saw signatures of visitors from our own home town! Now that the cave is a National Landmark, leaving one’s name behind is a federal offense.

The cave is a dry cave, so it’s features are not composed of typical dripstone and water based cave structures. It is a different type of exploration for those who have visited only wet caves, or are expecting such. They say that Jesse James used the cave as one of the hideouts for his gang, but then again, most show caves in Missouri make this claim! (Meramec Caverns even have a statue depicting the James brothers in the cave.)
Also located on the site is Cameron Cave, which has not been fitted with electricity. It is a labyrinth cave system, with narrow passages, and all tours are done by flashlight. This can be an exciting experience for true cave lovers. Cameron is known for its high and healthy bat population. Cameron cave shuts down during winter months so their hibernation is not interrupted.
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
Cave Hollow West Winery
A part of the Mark Twain Cave Complex, you will find Cave Hollow West Winery. The winery features a number of local specialty wines, and cave aged cheese. Stop in for a tasting and a snack, or check the calendar. A highlight of the winery is the Mark Twain Live Show, which runs daily at 2:00 from June to October, and Wednesday through Sunday in April and May. Live musical performances are also scheduled at the winery throughout the warm months, usually on weekends. Check their schedule of events if you want to catch a show. It makes a great afternoon of entertainment, libations, and a more sophisticated crowd, a perfect addition to your weekend in Hannibal.
Riverside Park
Riverside park is a stunning forest park, high on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi. The park has picnic areas, playground areas, and fabulous hiking trails. Of course, there is a centerpiece statue of Mark Twain, overlooking the river below.
A highlight of the park is that the scenic overlooks which can be accessed by vehicle, so those who cannot hike can still experience the view. Take a ride on Riverpark Road, and pull off to take in all of the spectacular vantages and views of the river. Also along the way are a couple of historic markers, as the park is on the National Register of Historic Places.
We find not much in ourselves to admire, we are always privately wanting to be like somebody else. If everybody was satisfied with himself there would be no heroes.

Lovers Leap
All along the Mississippi there are bluffs that have been named Lover’s Leap, many with their legends of the heartsick maiden. The world may never know if the legend is true, or which Lover’s Leap it truly originated from, but Hannibal is no less likely than any other.
Lover’s Leap lies high on the bluffs overlooking the river, on the south side of Hannibal, providing a panoramic view of the river below from a different vantage. There are informational signs and seating areas in the small park that has been built around the legendary site, and it is a lovely area for a picnic lunch. The geology-minded will find that the sandstone of Lover’s Leap is quite interesting, filled with fossils.

Soldaris Nature Preserve (Attention Rock Lovers)
Along the outskirts of town on 6th Street, just past Dempsey Dog Park are the trails of the Soldaris Nature Preserve, running alongside Bear Creek. It is a great place to get some fresh air and a morning walk. It was one of the things to do in Hannibal that was much less known about.
There are 2 really cool things about this location. This area is known for being a part of the Keokuk Geode geology, and observant explorers can see a number of geodes in the walls of the cliff sides and caves along the Bear Creek Trail. Carry a flashlight if you want to get a great look at the fascinating and sparkly formations.
It is also home to over 200,000 Indiana Bats, which is about a third of the entire existing population of this endangered species. While their lairs in the mines ae fenced off for their protection, they emerge nightly during the summer months. These large colonies can be seen exiting at sunset from May through August from the amphitheater at the end of the Paved Trail. It can be quite spectacular.
Those who Geocache will find that Hannibal is an ideal city to visit. The caches are numerous, and every type is available, from regular geocaches, to multi-stage caches, from Earth caches to virtual caches. There are even some high terrain ranked caches in Riverside Park that require quite an adventurous spirit. You can find a cache at the riverboat landing, the Mark Twain Caves, Lover’s Leap, and the garden area in downtown Hannibal. There are even a couple in the Historic Boyhood Home area, and of course, the local cemeteries.
Sawyer’s Creek Fun Park
Families with children may want to head to Sawyers Creek for some play time. Sawyers Creek has all of the expected activities of a fun center including miniature golf, batting cages, bumper boats, and an arcade, among several others There is a gift shop and concessions area, as well as a wine shop for the grown ups. This is a place the children will not want to leave, so plan your visit right. (Closed during the summer of 2024, but planning to reopen under the ownership of the Mark Twain Cave Complex.)
We do not deal much in facts when we are contemplating ourselves.
Jim’s Journey
Jim’s Journey takes its name from the character Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and uses that perspective to a degree. Jim, an enslaved black man who has runaway seeking freedom, is encountered by Huck Finn, and the two become unlikely companions. This small museum builds upon Jim’s dream of freedom, and the lives of local black Americans and their plight through US history, from slavery, through segregation, and the ongoing struggles to end discrimination. It highlights the accomplishments that many locals have made, despite the prevailing circumstances against them. Jim’s Journey is open during the summer months from Friday to Sunday.
The Molly Brown Home

Margaret Tobin Brown, otherwise known as the “unsinkable Molly Brown,” was born in Hannibal. In fact, she was on her way home to the city when the Titanic sunk. A true American rags to riches story, Molly was later known for her humanitarian efforts and role in the women’s solidarity movement, being awarded the French Legion of Honor for her work in helping as the director of the American Committee for Devastated France after WWI. Visiting her birth home is definitely one of the top things to do in Hannibal, between Memorial Day and Labor Day, for a look at her fascinating life and experience on the Titanic. (Temporarily closed in summer 2024.)
Rockcliffe Mansion
Rockcliffe Mansion is an immense Georgian Revival house built at the turn of the 20th century by Hannibal businessman John J. Cruikshank, Jr., who wants to build the finest home that money could buy. Now on the National Register of Historic Places, the mansion is both a museum, offering guided tours, and a bed and breakfast. The mansion is richly decorated with both Victorian and Art Nouveau furnishings, with fascinating unique structural features. Tours are offered between March 15 and November 15.

Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.
Bluff City Theater
Bluff City Theater is Hannibal’s own professional theater company, showing everything from Shakespeare to Oscar Wilde, even modern romance and comedy. Now in its 20th season, the theater performs nightly for about 2 weeks out of every month, then begins preparing for the next production. Located in the former Farmer’s Merchant Bank building in the historic downtown area, it’s right on the beaten track for visitors, and tickets are free. If you plan your visit to coincide with one of their runs, be sure to reserve tickets ahead of time for an evening of entertainment.
Where to stay for your Weekend in Hannibal
Best Western on the River
For me, this was the best choice, literally right across the street from many of the things to do in Hannibal. Our choice was made entirely on the perfect location for our Hannibal 3 day itinerary. There are both indoor and outdoor pools, a hot tub and small fitness center. Breakfast is included. You can make a room reservation right here!
Quality Inn and Comfort Inn
For a bit of a lower price on a clean comfortable room, try the Quality Inn or Comfort Inn and Suites in Hannibal. Both have fitness centers and indoor pools, with breakfast included. You can even book your room right here to save 20% on your weekend, and we will get a small commission. Stay 2 or more nights & save up to 20% now! At participating hotels.
If you want to completely cut costs, or make even more of an adventure of your trip, camping is always an option. The Mark Twain Cave Complex has 99 campsites, ranging from basic tent sites, to full electric and water supplied RV sites. Best of all, there’s that winery right on site!
Bed and Breakfast options
If you are looking for bit of elegance and luxury during your Hannibal weekend, there are some Bed and Breakfasts that will deliver. Two that stand out are the Garth Woodside Mansion, voted one of the best in the entire Midwest, and the Rockcliffe Mansion. There are others, but these two offer all the comforts you could hope for, a charming period decor and a historic location.
Meantime I have made more than 40 sea voyages & numerous land trips, & have gone clear around the globe once. This seems a hard fate. No, not seems–it was a hard fate. I made all those journeys because I could not help myself–made them with rebellion in my heart.
Our 3 Day Hannibal Itinerary
Here’s how we recommend spending 3 Days in Hannibal. There are so many things to do in Hannibal, MO that we arrived the night before, so we could get an early start. We assume that you will have breakfast at your hotel each day.
Weekend in Hannibal, Day 1
Mark Twain Boyhood Home
Start with the centerpiece of town, the essential place to visit on a weekend in Hannibal, the Mark Twain Boyhood home and neighborhood. Take your time read the informational signs, visit all of the homes, and be sure to peruse the gift shop. Whether you buy anything or not, there are some fun items to see.
Visit the Tom and Huck Statue
Before you go on, stop to get your picture with the Tom and Huck statue at the end of the block. It’s an iconic bit of Americana, one everyone of a certain age recognizes.
Grab lunch at one of the downtown establishments. The Ole Wolfhound Pub is probably the closest option, known for their Irish pub atmosphere, and food.
Trolley Ride
Walk down Main Street to the trolley office, and take the ride through town at the next departure. You will get a nice overview of all things to do in Hannibal, with a lot of information. Your best bet is to reserve your ticket online.
Mark Twain History Museum
After the trolley, be sure to visit the other important museum on Main Street, actually the other half of the Mark Twain Museum, at 415 Main Street, the Hannibal History Museum. Art and Americana enthusiasts will love the Norman Rockwell collection found there too.
Peruse Downtown
Be sure to visit some of the other establishments in the historic downtown. There are a variety of choices, some fun, and all of them interesting. You’ll find a Better Homes and Gardens recommended quilt shop, several antique shops, ladies clothing and kitchen wares. If you get worn out, stop for an ice cream from Smooth as Ice, and relax at Kristy’s Garden.
Dinner on The Mark Twain Riverboat Cruise
End the first of your 3 days in Hannibal with a dinner cruise on the Mark Twain Riverboat. Before you embark, you can get a photo with the statue of the young Twain in his riverboat captain days. You’ll get some tour guide commentary on highlights along the river, a sit down dinner, and live music, along with the Mississippi scenery.
If a Nightcap is in Order..
Try Friendship Brewing Company at the at the opposite end of the riverfront. They have a variety of craft beers, from lighter ales, hoppy IPAs and even a fruity brew.
Weekend in Hannibal, Day 2
Breakfast at Becky Thatcher’s Diner
Start day 2 with a filling breakfast at a Hannibal classic, Becky Thatcher’s Diner. The menu is filled with country comfort foods. I am a biscuits and gravy girl, myself.
Hannibal Convention and Visitors Bureau
Head down the road for a quick stop at the stunning facility of their new location, for the Hannibal Visitors Center. The facility itself is enjoyable, but it is also a good idea to learn if there are any new attractions we might not know about, any events during your visit, or if they have any discounts or deals on attractions.
The Mark Twain Historic Lighthouse
After leaving the Visitors Center, make the steep drive up Cardiff Hill to visit the Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse. The lighthouse has an interesting history which is shared on a series of story panels, and the views from the top are fantastic. If you prefer to get the exercise, you can park near downtown again, and climb the 244 stairs that you may have seen next to the Tom and Huck statue.
Jim’s Journey
Any weekend in Hannibal should include a stop at Jim’s Journey. Jim’s Journey tells the other side of the story. Despite slavery, segregation and discrimination, black citizens from Hannibal have risen to power and influence, leaving their mark on the city, the state, and across the country, and their stories are an inspiration. It’s right at the bottom of the drive down Cardiff.
Lunch at Mark Twain Dinette: Maid-Rite
After finishing at Jim’s Journey, go ahead and grab lunch. We have a busy afternoon planned. The Mark Twain Dinette features Maid-Rite seasoned beef sandwiches. If you have never had a Maid-Rite, they are a classic.
Lover’s Leap
Heading south out of town, don’t miss the turn off for Lover’s Leap. Make a quick stop for the amazing views out over the river, and to read the tale.
Mark Twain Cave Complex
Continue south out of town for a visit to the caves. Take a cave tour to see the dark corridors the are central to the plot of Tom Sawyer, and the first show cave in the US. You will likely have to wait for the start of your tour, and there is another fun gift shop to explore while you pass the time. Depending on how your day is progressing, how much you like caves, you may also wish to take the Cameron Cave flashlight discovery tour. Just don’t book anything for 2:00, as you want to catch the show.
Mark Twain Live
The Mark Twain /live production at the Cave Complex is one of the iconic things to do in Hannibal. Played by a renowned actor, Mark Twain presents his life and times, featuring some of his finest tales and wit. It is a show that should not be missed. After the show, you may wish to peruse the gift shop, or step into the winery for a tasting.
Pizza for Dinner (or your Italian Favorite)
Have an early dinner back downtown, at The Brick Oven. You can try a tasty wood fired pizza, or a traditional pasta dish. Come in early enough to be done by 6:30.
Haunted Hannibal Ghost Tours
After dinner, step across the street in time to depart for the Haunted Hannibal tour. Yes, you will be doused with even more history, but it will be an edgy and intriguing history. A few of the tales may give you a shiver, and you will get to walk through one of the old cemeteries at dusk. It’s become a must for any weekend in Hannibal.
Another Night Cap?
If you would like a drink to wrap up day 2 of your 3 days in Hannibal, this time, step back across the street after your Haunted Hannibal tour returns. Rumor Has It is a popular bar and grill, known for their cocktails.
Weekend in Hannibal, Day 3
A Breakfast Sandwich
Rest in a bit after the long day yesterday, then start day 3 out with breakfast at Java Joint for a good pick-me-up. They have amazing specialty coffees and espressos, and a wide selection of unique wraps, bowls, and sandwiches. I recommend the avocado bowl.
Riverside Park
Walk your breakfast off with a visit to Riverside Park. You’ll find spectacular views, some fresh air, and a good walking paths and trails. Get a photo of the immense statue of Mark Twain that overlooks the river, then head out on one of the many trails. If you geocache, this is a great place to find a couple caches with level 4 and 5 terrain rankings!
Molly Brown’s House
On the way back from Riverside, stop by Molly Brown’s. Before your 3 days in Hannibal come to an end you should learn a little about the city’s second famous former resident.
Step Out of the Box for Lunch
Instead of going back to the historic downtown area, go up into town a bit near Central Park, and have lunch at the outdoor patio of LaBannah Bistro. Although the name may sound Indian, LaBannah features specialty dishes from around the world, from the American southwest, to the Greek Isles, to the African desert, to southeast Asia. You’ll find something you like, and people rave about the food. It is a fantastic way to make the last meal of your weekend in Hannibal a little special.
Rockcliffe Mansion
Before your weekend in Hannibal ends, a tour of the Rockcliffe Mansion should round out your trip. Although Mark Twain and Molly Brown acquired wealth, their lives in Hannibal were meager, as their homes revealed. Rockcliffe will give you a glimpse of how the other side lived, in what was built to be “the best house that money could buy.”
Wrap Up Your Weekend in Hannibal, and Head Home
You may be worn out at the end of this weekend in Hannibal, Missouri! Almost every Hannibal attraction is crammed into these 3 days, so it is jam packed, interesting, and entertaining. We hope you make the trip soon!
Don’t Leave Us Out on the River. PIN it Please!

If you are looking for something in the central states, but A Weekend in Hannibal is not your thing, you may be interested in A Weekend in St. Louis, A Weekend in Little Rock, or perhaps a Weekend in Memphis?
Or, if you want to venture a bit further from the Mississippi, you might like A Nebraska Weekend Getaway at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park, or perhaps A Weekend in Golden, Colorado.
If you love historical figures, but want someone other than Mark Twain, you may like learning about Abraham Lincoln, on a Weekend in Springfield, Illinois, or perhaps Ulysses S. Grant, on a Weekend in Galena, IL.
If that still isn’t it, be sure to check out all of our Weekend Getaways, or our other US Destinations.
Big THANKS to Mark Twain, for all the quotes we shared in the article!
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
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