Author name: Roxanna Keyes

I am a gypsy at heart, and always have been, but real life expenses and responsibilities have always kept me in my day job. Now I am 51 years old. My 4 sons, are grown, and my grandchildren range from 6 months to 16 years. I still have a number of years to give before I can retire, so I still have to work about 50 hours a week on average. But where there is a will to wander, a way will be found...

Burg Vischering, or Vischering Castle, in Ludinghausen, Germany.
European Destinations, Germany

Vischering Castle- A Wasserschloss

This post was most recently updated on October 2nd, 2018.   As a great big history and culture lover, visiting local castles is a must for me, in any destination, but particularly when in Europe.  The entire continent boasts amazing castles of all ages.  Burg Vischering, or Vischering Castle in English, is what some locals referred […]

Experience the local side of the Bahamas!

The Beautiful Side to the Bahamas

This post was most recently updated on October 25th, 2017.   Close your eyes: When you hear the word, “Bahamas,” what comes to mind? The world-renowned beaches? The soft sand that plays with the crystal waters? The shady spots under a flourishing palm tree with coconuts looming with pride yet holding such a refreshing core? Or,

Eclipse, august 21, 2017, from the hills of the Shawnee National Forest.
Free Things

Eclipse 2017- A Day to Remember

This post was most recently updated on September 16th, 2017.   August 21, 2017 will long be a day to remember, the Great Coast to Coast Eclipse displayed itself in full totality across the United States, from Oregon to the Carolinas. Millions of Americans gathered to watch, at public celebrations, at private parties, in back yards,

Front of the Superman Museum, as wonder women visit superman.
Illinois, US Destinations

Wonder Women Visiting Superman

This post was most recently updated on June 24th, 2018.   Recently, my best friend and traveling companion, VerNessa, and I needed a quick getaway.   As it happened, the home of Superman,  Metropolis, Illinois, was exactly the right place.   VerNessa has a fascination for tree, and really wants to see the Sequoias.  But, hopping

The view from the Skellig Ring, on the Iveragh Peninsula, in Ireland.
European Destinations, Ireland

Skellig Ring, Ireland- Home in my Heart

This post was most recently updated on December 17th, 2017.   Skellig Ring, or Schwarzwald? It was a tough decision for me.  I had to decide to write my piece for an article on another website.  The short article was for a collaborative effort on favorite European travel destinations. My travels are limited, but I love

Kiefernstrasse, Dusseldorf, Germany, a rich history of industry, anarchy, and street art.
European Destinations, Germany

Kiefernstrasse- Industry, Anarchy, Art

This post was most recently updated on August 31st, 2017.   Kiefernstrasse Kiefernstrasse, is an intriguing neighborhood in Dusseldorf, Germany, that attracts a lot of attention, from the media, and more recently, from tourists. It is also one of those special places in the world that reminds me how fast the world changes, and how much

Amsterdam Canals Bridge
European Destinations, The Netherlands

Canal Cruises- 10 Amsterdam Tips

This post was most recently updated on June 7th, 2019.  Canal cruises are something that absolutely must be done when visiting Amsterdam. I know they are completely “touristy.” I know there are several blogs out there that suggest avoiding the canal cruises. But, how can you return home from Amsterdam, not having cruised the canals? How

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